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HOW LONG SHOULD I DO MY FIT FACE X EXERCISES EVERY DAY?The simple answer is, about one minute Per Day /Per Tool. You are using series of facial muscles in very isolated and unique ways, the goal is just to tire them out a little bit every day. One of the most important things to remember here, FREQUENCY will always beat occasional INTENSITY. So slow and steady will win the race. This is a lifelong thing, we are going to keep all the bits exactly where they outta be!
WILL I NEED TO DO MY FIT FACE X EXERCISES EVERY DAY?In the first few months, we suggest to do your 4 minutes pretty much every day, If your mouth or jaw or cheeks get overly tired, give them a break for a day then continue. Over the long term, once you feel all the bits of your face are where they outta be, we think it's totally fine to ease back to 3 or 4 days a week.
IN WHAT ORDER SHOULD I USE THE FIT FACE X TOOLS?Totally personal preference! I have my stand personally on my desk , and often do the Lip X, Cheek X and Jaw X during my regular work day. My Chin X strap in is my home gym and I do it with regular workouts. My wife has the stand next to the bathtub, and does her exercises while she bathes. She uses the Chin X in the gym as well. Just find a set time and work it into the flow of your day or workouts, its only four minutes, so just test a few times see what feels good to you.
MY CHEEKS HURT SHOULD I STOP?If any part of your face, cheeks, jaw or any part hurts, just take a day or two off. Fit Face X is a face gym, and just like going to a normal gym, doing resistance training ( weight lifting/machines) you will expect some soreness and tenderness the next day.
WHAT UPGRADES DO YOU OFFER FOR THE FIT FACE X GYM?We currently offer two upgrades to advanced users, by advanced we mean you have been using your Fit Face Gym for at least two months, and you feel your face muscles are ready for a bit more challenge. The upgrades are harder in terms of required pressure/lbs per square inch to move. The JAW X Advanced version is harder and will use more lbs per inch to bit down on. Since the JAW X is good for about 3-6 months before needing a new one, its typical to upgrade once your basic version (What is in every full face gym) wears down. BUY JAW X ADVANCED HERE. The CHEEK X Advanced version is a denser material with more fiber content to make it harder for your cheeks to squeeze shut. This is a lot harder than the basic CHEEK X and we recommend upgrading once you feel your cheeks are in strong shape. BUY CHEEK X ADVANCED HERE.
I HAVE HAD JAW & NECK ISSUES BEFORE, IS FIT FACE X SAFE FOR ME TO USE?This question is beyond the scope of what we can speak to. We recommend seeing your doctor or appropriate health care professional if you have had any issues with your jaw or neck previously.
WHAT IS YOUR REFUND POLICY?Our Refund Policy is pretty simple, if you give us 4 minutes a day, and are not thrilled with your results in 30 days, just return your Fit Face X and we will get you refunded. The fun version is if you would not jump into shark infested waters to save your Fit Face X Gym then we want you to have a refund as well.
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO SEE RESULTS?Be diligent in your 4 minutes daily, and you will usually see early results in about three weeks. The absolute game changing results taking place at about the two/three month mark. Everybody is different and has different issues, Some issues correct faster than others. For example if you have a larger double chin issue, those take a bit longer than lose cheeks & jowl issues to fully correct. The magic is all four tools working in unison, putting all the bits back where they used to be.
WHERE SHOULD I PUT MY FIT FACE X TOOLS?This is actually a super important decision, we made the stand so you had a good looking place to hold your tools. From experience the best place is simply wherever you will see it continually and find it the most natural to use daily. My stand is on my desk, my wife loves it next to the bathtub, one of our friends has hers next to her bed, and uses it watching her reels. One friend has it next to the chair in the living room she uses, as she likes to watch movies and just do her Fit Face X exercises. So pick a spot that is very visible and will help you make doing the right thing, the easy thing!
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